A little ugly duckling – 201K23 in cream suitcase

Last weekend we finally found a Senior Cabinet, a Type 72 that takes a class 15, 66 or 201. It had a 201K in it, which was of little interest, and I got it for $50.

The cabinet was slightly damaged, the support arm that pops out had ripped it’s mounting screws out of the table top, and previous poor repairs had failed. I drilled out the positions of the three screws, and glued in some 10mm dowel, the reused the existing screws to re- attach the support arm correctly.

I then took our 15K110 out of it’s transportable case, installed it in the new Senior Cabinet, and basked in it’s magnificence.

Senior Cabinet with 15K110

That left a 201K23 and a spare cream suitcase. The machine was a bit rough, quite stiff to turn. I took it apart, and reset the end float on the main shaft, from 9 thou” to 2 thou”. Other than a mangled take up spring in the upper tensioner which I trimmed and reshaped a little, the rest of the machine just needed a really good clean, retiming and then the usual adjustments and tuning. It went into the case, and being an aluminium bodied machine, it becomes almost a portable rather than transportable sewing machine. It’s just a little ugly though.

Luggable 201K22

Not sure what is going to happen to it yet, but it will be of interest to someone for $50 or so.