Places we have been
Squirrel our Minicab Miev is on the market via trademe so may not be ours for much longer. We have plans for a bigger van with longer range so that we can continue our travels into our dotage. In the meantime, …
Our Electric Van – Mitsubishi MiniCab Miev 16kWh in Postal Red!
Squirrel our Minicab Miev is on the market via trademe so may not be ours for much longer. We have plans for a bigger van with longer range so that we can continue our travels into our dotage. In the meantime, …
A couple of days ago it was the fifth anniversary of the day we picked up the Miev Minicab, and since then we have done a lot of kms in the van. With petrol now costing $3.12 per litre, and …
How it works and how to use it. Background There is a certain amount of mythology out there on the web about the heating and air conditioning in early electric vehicles (iMievs and Leafs), some of which is reasonable, and …
50 years ago I had a Mini Cooper, and it came with a speedo and fuel gauge, an ammeter and an oil pressure gauge. I added a voltmeter (this car had a dynamo – not an alternator), and I wanted …
MIEV Minicab – software for looking at state of battery etc. Read more »
While lying awake I was thinking about power usage in the van. We have done 50,000 kms in the van in 4y9m. At 6km per kWh, this works out to 8,333 kWh of electricity. We pay between 12 cents and …
This is a post to document issues with fast chargers and our van and progress made understanding them. We have had our Miev Minicab for nearly 5 years now, and have done well over 50,000kms. We love the car and …
Charging issues at chargers with our Mitsubishi Minicab MIEV – error code P101C Read more »
Traveling in Squirrel, even very long distances, is a joy, but carrying two long tail cargo bikes and full camping gear inside the van can be a bit of a chore, every day loading the van is a 3 dimensional …
About this post This post is about a road trip in August 2022 to Central Otago and Southland NZ, in our Mitsubishi Minicab Miev electric tiny van (Squirrel). We fitted two long tail cargo bikes and associated riding and maintenance …
Unfortunately, this trip scheduled for February 2022 was cancelled, but we rescheduled for August 2022 and it is blogged about here. Covid permitting, we are intending to do a similar trip to last years trip to Central Otago. In brief, …
Lynn and Dave cycle the Otago bike trails Background Lynn and I have been wanting to do the Central Otago Rail Trail since we first heard about it many years ago. We finally have bikes that we feel we want …